Sunday, October 29, 2006

Pumpkins and Scarecrows!

We had an hour to spare before taking Selena to my inlaws so we decided to take some pictures with the pumpkins and scarecrows. I love this time of year. We have a fire pit in our backyard that needs cleaning up. I think a bon fire with roasted hotdogs, s'mores and apple cider or hot chocolate would just hit the spot on one of these cool crisp fall nights.


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

CUTE! The girls like they are having a blast.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Oops - meant to say - like your fall banner too.

Emily said...

I finally learned how to add the "fun stuff". I actually went to your blog and clicked on one of your items and it took me to the myspace graphic place.
I read your blog every day. I really enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

Oh hello....I ended up on your blog by accident, it just happened to be directly after my son's blog!
I live on Smith Mountain Lake in VA and I noticed one of your favorite movies is What About Bob and it was filmed HERE! I know the house and little "town" it was filmed in. It is beautiful here and I am very much blessed to be with my loving kind wonderful husband and I have two sons and SIX grandchildren. I became a grandmother at 42! My children are doing great and I had 5 grandbaby girls over for the weekend, ages 18 months to 6. They are incredible blessings from GOD! God Bless you and yor family

Emily said...

Hi Wendy,
Thanks for popping in. My whole family LOVES that movie. Bill Murray is just a hoot - we crack up every time we watch it. How fun that you live at the place where it was filmed.
Blessings to you and your family!