Monday, October 30, 2006

My Biggest Blessing!

Yesterday my father in law emailed me a "comment" about my blog. He jokingly said, "Emily, you forgot your biggest blessing - your husband." (In response to the name of my blog - Emily's five blessings) Here was my reply to him: " Oh -I could never forget him. He is the love of my life - the one who I could not live without - the one who makes me happy - the one who I miss with all my heart when I am not with him - HE IS MY BIGGEST BLESSING - thank you for giving him to me :-)
I love you!
Emily" As I type this my BIGGEST BLESSING is on a plane on his way home. He emailed me from his Blackberry while he was waiting on the plane to take off. He will be home by lunch and wants to take me out to lunch. I can't wait! UPDATE: He came home around noon and took me to one of my favorite places to eat in the little quaint town nearby where we live. It is actually a tea room owned by a couple from England. It was so good and the day got even better when our very good friends Ken and Lisa called and told us they were very close by (they are building a house right down the road from us and they came out our way to check on things) so they had lunch with us too.

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