Saturday, October 21, 2006

Family Picnic

Today was the Kinder, 1st and 2 nd grade family picnic at the elementary school my two little ones attend. They have this event every year. Each year they have have all the parents, grandparents etc. . . come to the school and have a picnic lunch with your child. Below is shown a pavillion they built. They had all the food there - after you grabbed the food you could go anywhere on the school grounds and eat. Here are two volunteer grandpa's that did the grilling of the hotdogs and hamburgers.

Here is Sierra with two of her friends.

After we had lunch we headed to the playground where they were able to play for the rest of the hour.

Next Friday will be the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade family picnic so we will be back for Landon's turn.
On a sad note, Alexia, our 16 year old was in a car accident this afternoon. She ended up totalling my van. Praise the Lord she is ok - an elderly gentleman crashed right into her. He ended up getting a citation and his insurance is going to pay for everything. I think our van is a total loss but we will know more next week. I am going to go to sleep thanking the good Lord that my precious daughter is safe and sound.


Cynthia said...

So GLAD your dd is ok! What a scary thing to have happen. The picnic lunch sounds like FUN! We won't be having any picnics here for awhile (LOL)! It was rainy and COLD today, but not snowing! The sand and shorts reminded me that it would be really nice to plan trip to FL this winter. We'll see what the fall finances bring and then decide! If we come again we'll have to be sure to come out and see your horses this time!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

So glad to hear Alexia is o.k. Ugh....

Emily said...

I would love to have you all come on out to the house. Keep me updated on your traveling plans!
Today it is close to 90 degrees again - Sie
rra just came in said she was going swimming. The good news is there is a cold front coming in on Tuesday - they are forecasting highs in the low 70s Brrrrrrrrrrr LOL

Emily said...

Hey De'Etta,

I am so thankful she is ok. If she would of been. hit on the other side- I don't think she would of made it. Thank the Lord for His angels and His protection. GOD IS SO GOOD!