Sunday, October 29, 2006

Daylight Savings - Fall Back

I woke up this morning to "3" blessings in my bed. It was a little nippy this morning so we all get in some extra snuggle time before getting ready for church. Sierra, Selena and Landon

Sierra has been amazing at helping me with Selena. She fed her breakfast for me while I made breakfast for she and Landon. She also has been changing diapers and helping me with Selena's bath. Sierra would make the best BIG sister if we ever decided to have just "one" more.

After breakfast I headed upstairs to get ready for church and I found Landon playing in his room. He has the most incredible imagination. He sets up his toys in a very precise way. He loves to play "war" with his pirates and army men. He is in the middle of something here- I am not sure who is winning :-) Here we have the pirates after someone.

The soldier's are ready to attack the pirates from one side.

This group is coming in from behind.

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