Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Celebrating the Harvest!

Tonight we decided to head to town to the Baptist Church Fall Festival. Everyone except Jordan ( he was working) headed to town. Before we left I lit our candle in the Jesus pumpkin and took a couple pictures of the kids. Alexia was still upstairs getting ready so I didn't get her in these shots.

At the fall festival playing a game at one of the booths.

For $2.00 you received a hotdog, chips and soda or bottled water - didn't have to cook tonight.
Here is Landon at the putting green booth. All the kids left with tooooooo much candy!

To all our friends and family! Happy Harvest!


Anonymous said...

hey it's lisa...did it work?

Anonymous said...

Cute pics!!!!

Emily said...

Yes, it worked!

Lisa in Jax said...

Great pictures! I love seeing everyone's families. Looks like you all had a great time!


Emily said...

Thanks Lisa! I also like reading everyone's blogs and seeing all the families too. It helps to put faces with names :-)