Sunday, October 22, 2006

20 Years in Ministry!

2o Years in Ministry!

Today marked the 20 year anniversary of my husband being in ministry. Our staff and leaders worked so hard to bring a great celebration service to pass. They worked for months on making a DVD - which had wonderful videos from men and women from Carlos' past ministry years. They all said so many wonderful things. Then we had many surprise guests that came and made such kind remarks. We also had a signed letter from Governor Jeb Bush that congratulated Carlos on his 20 years. (On a side note - the Governor's office uses Carlos a lot to give the opening prayer at many political events.) I brought my camera to take pictures but I forgot to take them once I got to the church. I will try to post pictures if I can find anyone that did take any. We have had an exciting 20 years. The ministry has taken us all over the world. We were able to greet the President of the United States when he and his mom Barbara came into Orlando. We also had the pleasure of meeting the Prime Minister of Spain and then have dinner at the Governor's Mansion in Tallahassee. All of those things are wonderful but the BEST thing is seeing all the souls that have been won to the Lord over the years. Congratulations Honey on 20 wonderful years of serving the Lord and here's to 20 more.


Cynthia said...


Emily said...

Thank Cindy!

Sherri said...

Hey Emily!
Congratulations to you all. That service was awesome!

Emily said...

Thanks Sherrie,

I am so glad you all were able to come. Hopefully tomorrow we are getting out rental car so I will call you about lunch on Friday.
