Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

As you may have noticed I haven't been blogging much this week. I have been so busy that I haven't had a chance. Monday was the last day of the kids spring break so we got things ready to start school the next day. Taylor needed a haircut so we went and had that done.

Tuesday I stayed home all day and worked on things around the house. Plus, I had to practice piano to get ready for two prayer sets. I played keys for a prayer set Tuesday night for the Global Bridal Fast that is happening this week. My friend Edwin was the worship leader for that watch so I practiced the songs he wanted to do. I also had to put together a song list for the prayer set that I did today. I spent half the day yesterday getting songs ready.

Today I wokeup extra early to go over things and then after the kids went to school I practiced for two hours before heading to the prayer room for the 12 - 2 set. I was a little apprehensive about doing this set by myself. There were no available singers or musicians so it was me . . myself and I. I started out a little shakey . . . .in fact I started making too many mistakes for my liking and I almost quit but I prayed and I could feel the Lord with me so I pressed through and just started all over. This time I took my time and just played for the Lord and not anyone else. By the second hour I could really feel God's presence . . . it felt so good to give back to the Lord.

Afterwards, I studied a few hours in the prayer room and then did some work for Ken for the food Pantry. I hope to be back taking pictures tomorrow . . .

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

I'm so impressed that you've kept on practicing and persevering! Look at you now!