Sushi and a Movie
Today I decided to stay home and I really wanted to catch up on my studies. I settled down with my Bible, notebook and pens and took my laptop and put on the live webstreaming from the IHOP prayer room. I noticed right away that Dana Russell and her team were doing the 10:00 am set. I decided to listen and watch them for awhile before I started studying. As I was watching and listening I decided to take the laptop over to the piano and play along with her. I need that practice . . I can play by myself but playing with a band helps you to develop tempo and that is something I need to work on.
I really enjoyed her set and ended up spending the whole two hours trying to catch on to the songs and to figure out chords. She had a great songlist today and I loved that way she put it together. So, afterwards I decided to email her and ask her some questions. Her husband Corey is the director of the Bible School Jordan attends at IHOP.
Afterwards I worked on things around the house. I wanted to make sure I had everything ready for this evening. We normally have praise and worship practice on Thursday nights and I wanted to go if they were having it.
My very good friend Brenda asked me to get together tonight but I told her I needed to first wait and see if there was practice. Well, by late afternoon I hadn't heard anything so I called her back and told her I could get together.
We met tonight at a Sushi restaurant. I ordered my favorite . . The Volcano. Yum! Thanks Brenda for treating me to dinner! Love ya! We had a wonderful time catching up with each other. Her husband John was away on business so it was a perfect night to go out. After dinner we went to the movie The Other Boleyn Sister. The true story of the Anne and Mary Boleyn. The movie was incredible . . there were a few steamy scenes but not too bad. The movie made me rush home and google about their lives. It is so interesting and I never knew that King Henry is the one that broke off the Catholic church from England. I had a great time with Brenda and I can't wait to get together again soon!
When I got home I decided to listen to Dana's set again and work on the songs that I worked on this morning. After about an hour I took a break and checked my email . . I was excited to see Dana had emailed me back. She gave me some great tips and answered a lot of the questions I had asked her earlier. I am so excited because many of the chords I picked out today from her songs were the right ones. I am getting a lot better at picking things out by ear. Dana if you are reading this . . thank you so much for all your help. I look forward to meeting you sometime soon!
I had a great day and I look forward to another one tomorrow.
Just dropping by to wish you a happy Easter!
Happy Easter to you too Jenny!
Way to keep working at it!
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