Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday Service with Dwayne Roberts and Matt Gilman

Carlos and I were so excited about Dwayne Roberts and Matt Gilman being at our church today. Dwayne is a key leader at IHOP in Kansas City and Matt is one of the top worship leaders there.Our worship team was excited too. Plus, we were so happy to have Jordan and David playing this morning.Lisa and MattThese pictures didn't turn out very good . . .it was too dark. It was so incredible having Matt lead us in praise and worship. It was like being in the prayer room at IHOP. What an annointed worship leader he is. He takes you right to the throne room of God with his music. He is a gift from God for the whole body of Christ.Jordan and the worship team sang a song he wrote called Tender Mercies. I wish I would have taken a video of it.Dwayne brought forth an excellent message. Dwayne is one of the top leaders at IHOP. He also runs the "One Thing" conferences. If you ever have a chance to attend one . . .you need to go. We hope the next time they come to Central Florida that they can move it to Orlando. After the service Matt prayed with some of our youth.
After church the camera came out :-)

A bunch of us took Matt and Dwayne out to lunch at Macaroni Grill. While we were there we ran in to Priscilla and Aneuldi.
Also, at another table Kristine and Ryan.After lunch Jordan and David drove Matt and Dwayne to the airport. What an awesome weekend we had with them.The rest of us headed back to the church for our monthly Forerunner meeting. The group of us who went to IHOP last month for the Passion for Jesus Conference testified on how God touched us while we were there.
Another great weekend . . . One Thing was awesome and today's Sunday service was the icing on the cake! Thanks Dwayne and Matt for blessing our missions base this weekend!


Romany said...
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Romany said...

It's great that Jordan is writing songs. Is that part of the tuition he's having atm, or just something he's always done?