Ava Speaks!
Today we were suppose to have a family workday. We had all the kids at home and planned on waking up early and getting things started. Well, I ended up waking at 10:30 and I am not sure what time everyone else wokeup. We really didn't get started until after noon. Carlos started mowing the lawn. The kids all cleaned out their rooms, dusted, vacuumed and organized their drawers and cleaned their bathrooms. I was suppose to pressure wash the back pool deck but Carlos didn't get it set up in time for me to get it done today. I am going to work on it after church tomorrow.
Tonight Ken, Lisa, the kids and Coco came over for dinner. We had decided to look at what we both had and combine it for dinner. While Lisa and I made dinner the girls played Beanie Babies.
Christian played army men and Alexia was finishing up her bathroom. Taylor went to the movies with his uncle and Landon was at a friends house.
Dinner ended up pretty good . . .it was funny to see what we each came up with from our own kitchens and then combined it for dinner.
Ava was a riot tonight. She was so funny! She reminds us so much of Sierra at this age.
Ava is starting to speak out words. Tonight she would repeat the word "sit" if you asked her too. Lisa said she has heard for the last month or so them say "sit" to their new puppy Coco so she caught on quick :-)
Here is a short video:
We all hung out till 10:00 pm. I am going to take a shower and then get the kids Easter baskets together for tomorrow. It's hard to believe it is already Easter.
1 comment:
Sounds like you're about done with your spring cleaning!
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