Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Year New Friends New Prayers

It's hard to believe it is 2008. Where did 2007 go? The years seem to be passing so fast. I will be 42 on January 9th . . . .that's another hard thing to believe. I sure don't feel 42 . . .

Carlos, the kids and I ended 07 at a youth conference that had 20,000 radically on fire youth. In a world that looks hopeless . . .this past week put a renewal in my spirit. How awesome it was to see the youth of America in such love with their Savior. During this past week I think I prayed more than I have in a very long time. It put such a rewal for prayer back into me and I am so thankful for that.

This past year, we sent our oldest to college. It started a whole new phase of parenting for us. This week we had the priviledge to meet many of his friends that he has met at and through school. What a wonderful group of kids he has met. God is good. (On a sidenote . . .these pictures show mostly girls but that is because I don't have too many pictures of the guys)

Me and Jessica

Jess and Samantha
Hannah and RobertHannah Esther Samantha

Over this past week the Lord really dealt with me AGAIN about getting my piano playing back up to par. I kind of ignored this message last summer but I got the same message again last week so I am going to start practicing and see what the Lord has for me.

I am excited for 2008. There will be a lot happening . .. elections, new president, another child graduating and heading off to school, another child getting his licence and oh so much more. My goal is to keep the Lord in the forefront of my life and keep Him first in everything.


Anonymous said...

Our daughters birthday is January 7th! Happy Birthday Emily!!

This year I feel the Lord really tugging on my heart to pray more and talk less. lol

How exciting to start playing the piano again!


Emily said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter too Laura! I think prayer is going to be vital during these next years. I think we will all need to be on our face before Him!
Blessings to you!

Cynthia said...

The years sure are going by fast!