Saturday, December 08, 2007

Wonderful Day of Riding

Today my friend Leanna and I went riding today at one of our favorite riding parks. It was an absolutely gorgeous day! When we got to the park we both lunged our horses. Here is a picture of me with Farley! After lunging we hit the trail. This is my view from on top of Farley!Leanna and Cloud enjoying the day!As we were riding up the trails we came across this . . . . what it is we were not sure.It looks like they are running some kind of tests.Also, someone left this empty gopher turtle shell on top of one the things.
Views of the lake
We came across two canoes . . .but no people.
At our halfway point.
What a wonderful ride and a beautiful day! I can't wait until next Friday for another day of riding. Later on this evening I dropped off Landon at my inlaws, Taylor at his friends house, Sierra and Alexia at church. Carlos and I met up with Ken, Lisa and their kids for dinner at Longhorn's Steakouse. We are now back home and Lisa ended up coming over to hangout. Actually we are online Christmas shopping . . . . she is trying to finish her stuff up tonight.


Debbie said...

Looks like a great day of fun!

Cynthia said...

What beautiful scenery!

Emily said...

It was a fun day of riding! It felt good to be out on the trails agaon!