Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Indiana Here We Come!

Every other year we head to my sister's house for Christmas. They come down to our house the other year. This way our kids get to spend every other year in their own homes Christmas morning. I am from Indiana and my two sister's still live there just two miles apart from each other. Jordan is flying in early tomorrow morning and my parents are flying in around noon. We should arrive around 4:00 pm tomorrow.

Our van is jam-packed. We decided to drive so we would have a vehicle and also because we are going to head to Missouri on the 27th to take Jordan back to college and then spend New Years with him there. We took off around 8:30 tonight . .. the kids have their blankets, pillows, IPODS and all their other goodies to help them get through this 17 hour non-stop trip.

We made a stop at Ken and Lisa's to tell them goodbye. Lisa and Ken greeted us with tons of yummy snacks for the road. Thanks guys! We have already dug into the snacks. We are going to miss you so much!

So far . . .everyone has smiles on their faces but it is only 1 1/2 hours into the trip :-)

Our starting driver! We started the trip off with prayer . . .praying for a safe trip for us and for all those traveling too.I am in the co-pilots seat. I will be blogging on our way up there. You ask . . .how can I blog in the car???????????????????
Well, I gave Carlos an early Christmas present tonight. I purchased this car adaptor. I got it at Best Buy and it is so neat. The adapter gets its power from the car power outlet and then lets you plug in your electronics that you AC power into it. It comes with two places to put cellphone or camera charges, a place to put a computer charger and even a USB spot to charge IPODS. This machine will keep all our electronics up and running for the whole trip to Indiana.
Internet access will come from my faithful Sprint Air Card. I get internet service just about everywhere.
So, I will try to keep you updated on our journey up north. We are suppose to have great weather the whole way there so that is a blessing. My sister did call today and said they are expecting a huge snow storm this weekend. My kids are ecstatic about that!!!!


Laura said...

Emily -
I love the tech info you posted here. Tell me more about your Sprint Air Card - that sounds fantastic!

Enjoy your trip to the midwest. I hope the weather holds out for your travels. And enjoy Missouri!!! :)
Laura in MO

Kathy in WA said...

Have a wonderful trip, Emily! Your family is so beautiful. I hope you thoroughly enjoy your time with friends and family.

I agree with Laura, thanks so much for posting your techno tips! I love the car charger/USB outlet gizmo. Too cool! The Sprint Air Card sounds wonderful.

Merry Christmas!!

Romany said...

Bon Voyage!

Emily said...

The air card is wonderful. It plugs into your laptop and will give you internet access just about anywhere in the US. Sometimes when the kids have dr appts. I bring my laptop with me and just plug in my aircard.

Sprint and AT&T and a few other companies have aircards. There is a monthly fee but as much we travel it is worth the money. Plus, if our electricity goes out and if our computer batteries our charged we can still get internet access.

Thanks Kathy for your kind words. May you have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Dorothy - thanks so much and Christmas blessings to you!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys are ready for the long trip up north. Enjoy!
Merry Christmas!

Cynthia said...

Next time we go on a long road trip I'm going to get one of the Verizon cards for my laptop! Imagine how much catching up one could do while blogging on a road trip!