Monday, November 05, 2007

Portland/Vancouver Day 2 - Part 1

This morning we wokeup to another beautiful day in the 50's. Now, this is fall weather. This is just one of Vasily and Yelena's view from their home. Natalie's inlaws and family are buidling this house right next door.
Around 1 pm we headed to my Vera's house for lunch. One the way we had a great shot of Mt. Hood.

This was my first time to Alec and Vera's home. It is lovely!

Vera made us a wonderul lunch. I couldn' t believe all the food.
I have never seen a church have members in it that serve like this church does. It was unbelieveable!

Vera, Carlos and I want to thank you for opening your home to us and many of these other visting pastors and their wives. The lunch was absolutely delicous and your home is so beautiful! Thanks again for all you do!

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