Friday, November 16, 2007

O Christmas Tree!

Wednesday night as I was tucking Sierra in bed she made the comment that she did not feel too good. I touched her head and it was warm. I ran and got the thermometer and took her temp. It was a little over 100 degrees. She also has had a cough the last couple days but with no chest congestion. I gave her some Tylenol and a cough suppressant and then she went to bed.

This morning when I wokeup I did not wake Sierra. I knew that she was going to stay home today. I called my mother in law and told her that Sierra was sick and that I needed help getting the boys to school today so she was sweet enough to pick them up for me.

Sierra spent the day resting on the couch. She brought out her LEAPSTER and played many of the educational games we have. While Sierra was resting my sister Stephanie called and said that she and my other sister Michelle decided they were going to clean their homes today. I decided to get motivated with them and start my deep cleaning. I ended up really cleaning my living room and my foyer. I dusted, washed baseboards, vacuumed and more. My sister had mentioned that she was going to put one of her trees up this weekend so I decided to go ahead and set mine up today after I had deep cleaned the room. We are not going to put the decorations on yet but at least the tree is up and ready to go.

After I got Sierra in bed Lisa came over and hung out awhile and then we made a trip to Wal-Mart to pick up some things. I then came home and watched the two Dancing with the Stars shows that I have DVR'd this week. I am about ready to call it a day!

A big cold front came in tonight so we are waking up to temps around 42 degrees tomorrow morning and only will have highs in the 60's. I am not sure if Sierra will be going to school or not I will have to see how she is doing in the morning.


Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

Good morning! Popping in to say - there's an update for 30 Days of Thanksgiving if you are interested in commenting about how it is going for you.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I think you get the award for earliest Christmas decorator - at least in the cyber world.

Living on Christmas Lane is getting to be stressful...neighbors already have their lights up and are putting decor up today..... LOL

Emily said...

This Christmas will be so strange for us since we are not really decorating. No outside lights, minimal inside decorations etc. . . I am not sure how I am going to like this but I am sure I will appreciate it after we get home after New Years and not have to put it all away!

Cynthia said...

That will seem odd. And.. WOW.. you are way ahead of the game this year!