Thursday, November 29, 2007

No Decorating This Year!

For those of you who are new to my blog this year you might not know that we usually go crazy decorating for Christmas each year. We are usually the first ones on our street to have our house totally decked out inside and out. Due to us going out of town for Christmas this year we have opted to hardly decorate at all this year. I am including a couple links from last years decorating extravaganza :-) For more pictures you can always click on the label CHRISTMAS on the right side of the blog to see more holiday Traditions :-)


Romany said...


I was looking forward to seeing you deep clean and then decorate. I was planning on being inspired again!{LOL!}

Some of us need to see beautiful homes on other people's blogs, you know!

Kathy in WA said...

Gasp.....deep breaths.

You.....are.....NOT.....decorating this year???

This won't do at all! Some of us are the leaders in style and others of us follow, admire and observe from a distance, wishing for some sort of personal skill, but sticking instead with visiting friends' blogs.

I don't know how I will face the holiday season without knowing in Floriday somewhere there is room after room of cute snowmen.


Emily said...

Dorothy and Kathy,

I know . . . I can hardly believe it myself but I will definitly be thanking myself when we return home after New Years :-)