Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Sweet Selena!

Today I spent the day with my niece Selena. I have to say I had the best time with her today. She is always sweet and loving but today she was just so incredibly sweet. After I picked her up I brought her home so I could finish up some things here at the house. She played with Molly for a while and then we both put on our makeup (she actually pretended) :-)
Then we hopped in the car and we headed out for the day. The first stop was lunch and she wanted McDonalds. We got our food and sat down . . .I sat across from her . . well as I sat down Selena said, "Aunt Emmy sit over here." So, I got up and sat down by her.
Then while she was eating she said, "Aunt Emmy, thanks" I said, "What for?" She said, "McDonalds." In about 10 minutes she said again, "Aunt Emmy" I said, "Yes". She said, "I love you." Oh my goodness, my heart was about to melt. She was just so sweet and loving all day today.
After lunch I told her we were headed to the store. She said, "Are we going to buy something?" I said, "Sure!" We then headed to Marshalls. She picked out a Dora book to take home with her! I returned some pants and picked up a Christmas present.

After leaving Marshalls we headed home because Sierra would be home soon. She ended up falling asleep in the car and then sleeping about an hour after we got home. When she wokeup she had such a fun time playing with Sierra.
My kids just adore her. They are so good about playing with her and watching out for her too. I love the bond they have with her!
You Go Girls!Later on we took Selena home and then headed back to our house to wait for the boys. I got in the mood for apple pie so I made one for dessert for tonight. I also made grilled salmon, corn and mashed potatoes for dinner.
After I got Sierra in bed I sat down with a cup of tea and a slice of pie and talked to Lisa for about an hour. It was an end to a perfect day!


Debbie said...

Emily, you are such a wonderful wife, mom and auntie for sweet little Selena. Your stablizes presence her life is such a blessing.

Emily said...

Thanks for your kind words. My heart goes out to that little girl. She is a sweet gift from God! :-)

Anonymous said...

All I can say is YUMMY! That pie looks delicious. :)


Emily said...

I have to admit it was yummy too!

Romany said...

The girls do seem to have fun together. How is Selena's grandma?

Emily said...

PTL She is doing GREAT! She is still a little weak but her eyesight is back and she is feeling much better!

Cynthia said...

The pie looks SO YUMMY!!!! This is pie week for me (LOL) with Thanksgiving in just a few days!