Monday, November 12, 2007

Jordan and Wedding Plans

I bet you all thought that title meant Jordan had wedding plans . . . but he doesn't :-) After church today we went out to lunch with Ken and Lisa and our other friends Ralph and Rachel. They are getting married this Saturday and Carlos is marrying them. They had last minute wedding stuff to talk about so we all headed to our favorite Mexican restaurant.

Jordan's quick visit was over too fast but it was good to see him that little that we did.
I tried to get my other kids to take a picture with me but they all passed . . KK was the only one who would join me for a photo!
After lunch we all headed home. We had a leader's meeting at our house tonight and then we went to Ken and Lisa's for a little bit. We just got home and I am so tired. I just can't seem to catch up on my sleep.


Kristine said...

What a blessing to have Jordan home again! And yes, my heart skipped a beat when I read your blog title, lol! Emily, I can't believe how long your hair is! I usually don't notice stuff like that!

Emily said...

It was a short but sweet visit but I will take anything we can get!
My hair is very long right now. I usually grow it real long and then cut it up to my shoulders and start again. I can't decide when I want to cut it!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Yes, I DID think it meant wedding plans. LOL Glad Jordan was home.

Cynthia said...

Yep.. you fooled us all with that title (LOL). Glad he was able to come home again so soon! Will he be home next week for Thanksgiving too?

Emily said...

We are not sure about Thanksgiving. He does have to come home the following weekend for another conference so we are still working on Thanksgiving at this point.

Cynthia said...

I'm glad he gets to come home so often. That's GREAT!