Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A New Recipe - Goulash and Pumpkin Bars

It has been a week since I have really blogged and I am going to slowly get back into it. I also took about 3 weeks off from working out but I started my routine again yesterday. I take the kids to school and then workout from 9:15 am to 10:15 am. My goal is to workout Monday through Thursday's if possible. So far I am two for two this week.

After working out today I ran to the bank, to the post office and then went to the barn to give Farley his wormer and to give him a bath. I forgot to bring my camera but boy did that horse look good when I was finished with him :-) I then headed home to wash up and change so I could head to the grocery store to pick up items I need for the next 3 nights worth of meals.

For some reason I have been craving a meal that my mom use to make for us when we were little . .. it is called Goulash. I could not remember how to make it and I have had a hard time reaching my mom so I found a recipe that sounded kind of similar on the internet. I ended up making it tonight for dinner. What's funny is . . .when I was halfway done preparing it my mom ended emailing me her recipe which ended up being a little different from the one I prepared tonight so next time I will try hers.

Easy Goulash
1 (15 ounce) can whole-kernel corn (I used frozen corn)
1 (17 ounce) can diced tomatoes
1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
1 cup shredded cheese, if desired
1 green bell pepper, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
1 pound ground beef
2 cups macaroni
salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.Brown beef with onions and green peppers. Drain. Add tomatoes,sauce and corn. Cook until heated well.Cook macaroni and drain. Add to beef mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste. Pour into baking pan. Bake for 15 minutes. If you want add a little cheese to the top and bake just a minute or two until it melts.
Sorry for the missing pieces in the picture but we dug in before I remembered to take a picture.

I also made a load of homemade bread and for dessert Pumpkin Bars. Here is the recipe:

Pumpkin Bars

4 eggs

2 c. sugar

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp baking soda

2 c. flour

1 cup oil

1 cup pumpkin

2 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp baking powder

Pour in a greased 10 x 14 cookie sheet (with sides)Bake at 350 degrees for 20 -25 minutes

FROSTING3 oz Philadelphia Cream Cheese6 T butter melted3 c. powder sugar1 tsp vanilla1 tsp milk. Pour and spread on warm cake

Lisa called me after I finished making these so I told her to stop over and I would send home a plate for them. When she came to pick them up she ended up "kidnapping" me and brought me home. We really haven't had a chance to visit since they got home from New Jersey. This Christmas is going to be different for us this year. We are going to Indiana to celebrate Christmas with both my sisters and their families. Because we are leaving around the 18th we decided as a family not to do too much decorating. This was a difficult decision for use because normally our house is decked out inside and outside. We did put up the tree but we haven't had time to decorate it yet or pass our the kids new Hallmark Ornaments. We usually do this the Saturday after Thanksgiving but with the mountain trip to northern GA over Thanksgiving that didn't happen. So, we are not sure what traditions we will get to this holiday but I am sure it will all workout and in the long run when we are on our way home in January . . . I am sure then we will be happy we didn't decorate how we normally do.

Tonight I decided to pass out the girls Christmas pajama's. We normally give these on our Annual Decorate the House for Christmas Day too.

Every year we do a Christmas Devotional. This year I found a new one that we are going to do. It is called: Just 25 Days Til Christmas We ended up starting it tonight instead of December 1st since we will be leaving early for Indiana and I would like to finish it before we leave.
We also have been watching Christmas movies each night that the Hallmark Channel is running. I have cried during everyone so far . . .but then I cry when I watch a Hallmark commercial LOL I also have been using our DVR to record the movies too so we can watch them when we have the time to all sit down together.

Well, it is my bedtime so I am signing off for now. It's good to be back to blogging. Have a great night!


Anonymous said...

Hello Emily,
Your goulash looks delicious and I plan to try it soon. Also, could you let us know how you like the new advent book you are reading with your family? It looks really good! Unfortunately, I think it is too late for me to order it and have it in time to do it this year. But if you really like it, I may get it for next year. Thanks! Melanie in CA (from SHS list)

Emily said...


We are really enjoying it. The readings are not as long as Jotham's Journy etc . . .but each one is meaningful and the kids like it for a change this year!