Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Happy 70th Birthday Martha!

Our friend Martha was turning 70 on October 6th which is the same birthday as my sister Michelle and also my new niece Paisly Hope. On the 5th after church we were all going to go out and celebrate her day a day early. Martha is always thinking of others. She is also one of the most generous people we know. Well, they were babysitting their 3 grandkids so she thought it would be a great idea to head to the world's largest McDonald's for an afternoon of fun!

Martha with her daughter Brenda. Her son Nathan was out of town on a ministry trip with his wife Kathleen.
The kids were so excited to be able to hangout and have a ball playing all the fun games at this playplace. Martha and Nathan blessed all the kids with money cards so they all got busy and started playing.

Nathan, Carson and Landon
Sierra and Nathan
This Mad Wave Theater ride caught their eyes.
They all hopped on . . .all 8 of them :-)

They had a blast!
All the kids getting ready for Martha to blow out her candles.Showing Martha some birthday love!
Happy Birthday to You!

Blow out the candles and make a wish!
Sierra just loves Ava!
Landon loves Martha! He was also such a huge help with the little kids!
There were so many fun games to play!

Then they found the dance machine!Landon and Martha had a blast watching the kids dance!

The Martha, Brenda, Lisa and I got in on the act.

"Ebby, I am having so much fun!"

Ava watching everything that Sierra does.
She wants to give it a try now!
Lisa had GREAT luck at this machine.The tickets kept flowing out . .. it was like a flood!"Hey, I want some tickets too!"

After about 3 hours of fun and food it was time to head to the prize center.

Happy Birthday Martha! Thanks for a fun day and thanks for giving even when it was your special day! We love you!


Cynthia said...

WOW! That looks like it is an AMAZING McD's!

Kristine said...

"The most unique McDonald's in the world"? Sounds very interesting!

ACK, Ava is walking!!! I so often can see time passing through OTHER people's kids, lol.