Friday, September 19, 2008

Pantry Outreach

Last weekend was Compassion Sunday at our church. The week prior our pantry had invited the homeless and needy to a free lunch after church. They cooked hamburgers, hotdogs and had lots of other goodies. Many of our church members voluteered along with our pantry staff to make this outreach a huge success. It was so neat to see so many showup at that day and so many of our people from our church fellowship with everyone.
From what we heard they really enjoyed it and can't wait until we do it again next month!
A big thanks to the West Orange Food Pantry for hosting this outreach.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

We have our Compassion weekend coming up the first of October. We're doing projects all around the commmunity... from painting buildings and fixing roofs to planting trees and leveling out cemeteries...