Friday, August 22, 2008

Operation Outcry and A Cry Without A Voice

After lunch we walked back toward the mall. We wanted to go and see how things were looking for The Call which was happening the next day (Saturday August 16th). As we walked away from the Capital I got all teary eyed thinking about how our country was founded and how far our country has now walked away from the principles of our founding fathers. Lord bring revival to our land!This is the view as you walk away from the Capital and your walking toward the mall. When we got down to the grassy area we saw the stage had already been set up and the different Christian worship leaders and artists were doing sound checks.
This is the stage's backdrop . . .how beauitful!
Christian worship leader and artist Rick Pino and his back were doing a sound check when got to the stage area. I love Rick Pino's songs . . one of my favorite's is Dove's Eyes. To hear his music you can go to:
After their sound check I went up to him and introduced myself. I let him know how much I loved his songs especially Dove's Eyes. We hope to bring Rick and his band to our missions base sometime next year.
A newsreporter then asked Carlos to do an interview. Our ministry has been very involved with The Call for a few years.
I forgot what he asked him but he said the interview went good.
We then decided to walk over to the Holocaust Museum. On the way we just happened to run into a van load from our missions base.
We had about 60 people from OHOP go to Washington for The Call.

We made it to the museum but was sad to find out the tickets had already sold out for the day. While we were there we ran into Corey Russell and Alan Hood .. who are IHOP leadership.
Corey and Carlos catching up! Corey was at OHOP this past spring along with one of his daughter's Trinity.
Sierra was happy to see Trinity!
Corey's wife Dana was not able to come to Florida that trip so I finally got a chance to meet her that day. Dana is a worship leader at the IHOP prayer room and she has helped me a lot with songs and just learning the basics of playing in the prayer room.
We ran into more of our Florida group there.
We then walked back towards the mall towards the stage to see if we would run into anyone else. We did end up seeing two of Alexia's roommates and friends Tasha and Chelsea.

We said goodbye to the girls and then started walking back toward the Capital where we were going to catch the Metro back to our hotel. On the walk back we saw this sign and decided to stop over there and see what they were doing.There were two ministries represented . . . one of them
A Cry Without A Voice
and Operation Outcry
They had a table set up with information about both ministries.
A Cry Without A Voice has a ministry of laying out tiny booties represending the 3500 babies a day that murdered by abortion.

Over 50,000,000 babies have been aborted since Roe vs Wade.
How many Presidents, Senators, Preachers, Teachers lost their lives due to abortion.
They have little notepads where people can write little messages to these precious babies. Many times women who have had abortions write a note of apology to their baby. You just have to cry as you go through reading the notes.
OPERATION OUTCRY is the project of THE JUSTICE FOUNDATION to end legal abortion by exposing the truth about its devastating impact on women, men and families. We believe that this will be accomplished through prayer and with the testimonies of women and men who have suffered harm from abortion. We are working to restore justice and to protect women, men, and children from the destruction that abortion causes.
OPERATION OUTCRY exposes the two great lies surrounding legalized abortion: 1) abortion is good and safe for women; and, 2) it is not a baby being aborted.
OPERATION OUTCRY has a national network of leaders to assist, encourage, and train women and others to speak out in the public arena and to collect DECLARATIONS for the historic legal effort to end legal abortion. PLEASE JOIN ONE MILLION VOICES
OPERATION OUTCRY reaches out to hurting women and men and refers them to the National Helpline for Abortion Recovery - a 24-hour, toll-free helpline to help women and men deal with their grief and to offer hope and healing. If you are hurting from abortion, please call the National Helpline for Abortion Recovery at 866-482-LIFE.
Operation Outcry is:
Touching hearts by “crying out” the truth that abortion hurts women, men, families, and the culture.
Changing lives by offering hope and healing as women and men share their personal stories of tragic grief and pain of abortion.
Restoring justice through legal and legislative efforts. The U.S. Supreme Court cited to the written testimony of the women of Operation Outcry in upholding the federal ban on partial-birth abortion. But the Court said it did not know the size of the problem, so help us collect one million declarations to show the Court how many are hurt by abortion!
BackgroundIn 2000, The Justice Foundation agreed to represent Norma McCorvey, who was “Jane Roe” in Roe v. Wade, and Sandra Cano, who was “Mary Doe” in Doe v. Bolton, in their legal efforts to reverse their 1973 Supreme Court rulings that made abortion on demand legal in America. In the evidence collection phase of the legal effort, women who experienced the tragic and harmful effects of abortion provided sworn testimony about how abortion hurt them. See “Legal Cases” for more information on the Roe and Doe case. In light of the partial-birth abortion decision of April 2007, our goal is to now collect one million DECLARATIONS to show the court the size of the problem with abortion and how it hurts women.Operation Outcry inpired a national movement of women and others harmed by abortion who are sharing their stories in the hope that others will be spared the suffering and tragic consequences they have endured. They are exposing the truth that abortion hurts the mother and father of the unborn baby, as well as others. Abortion strikes at the heart of a culture: the family. Join us!

We then treated ourselves to a Starbuck's before getting on the Metro.

Landon was wiped out .. I guess too much walking.
This is the ticket we had to use to get on to the House Chamber Floor.Sierra was still ready to go . .she is like the Energizer Bunny!
What an incredibly fun day!


Cynthia said...

How exciting to be in there during such an event.

Emily said...

It was amazing!!!