Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Senior Leaders Work Getaway

About a month ago during a senior leaders meeting for our missions base we decided we needed to get away for a night and a day and really get everything organized and structured. So, this past Sunday night the Senior leaders of our missions base gathered at hotel for meetings. Here we are in our Sunday night meeting. We had three people missing that night. We had rooms at this hotel so we could wake up early the next day and get started again. He we are the next morning . .we now had everyone there except for Ken who is on vacation.Carlos and Keith sharing the agenda for the day. We met until lunch and then took a lunch break.

After lunch we broke into small groups. This is the first time in the history of our ministry that we have gotten away like this to strategize and organize. It was awesome.

During the small groups we were divided into topics.
We all had three hours to talk and strategize and then we had to present to the group what we all came up with.
My group discussed Communication, Teamwork and Accountability.
It was a wonderful day and a half. We got so much accomplished!

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Sounds like a productive planning time!