Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Hello Ohio!

We were so excited to see the bridge because we knew that meant Ohio was just across the river! Goodbye Kentucky! Hello Ohio!
I am pretty sure that's the Ohio River but for some reason I am questioning myself. We then made our way into Cincennati!We arrived at the hotel and as you can see from Sierra's face we were all excited to be out of the car! Then the unloading began.Not only did we have our stuff and my parents stuff to unload we also had my brother's stuff. Since they flew they had my mom and dad bring their luggage and golf clubs so they wouldn't have to carry all that stuff with them. They have two little girls plus Heidi is pregnant with a third little girl so this allowed them to just concentrate on the girls.
Dad got all of us checked in.
We then headed to our rooms to unpack and relax a little bit. This particular hotel has a complimentary appetizer time from 5:30 to 7:30 each night so we rested until it was time for that.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

The appetizer times sounds GREAT! Sometimes you're hungry, but not hungry enough for a meal.. appetizers would be just the thing.

Looks like a FUN road trip. I would also like one of those air cards sometime, but I doubt my family will ever get me one (LOL). They already think I spend too much time on the computer, they certainly wouldn't want me on it while vacationing (LOL) so I had to take a book to read on our last road trip... I would have rather blogged!