Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Central Florida Pre-Call

Many of you have probably watched The Call video that is on the top part of my blog. The Call DC is August 16,2008 and they are expecting over 500,000 Christians from all over the world to invade DC for 12 hours of fasting and praying. To help spread the word The Call has teams going all over the US doing "Pre-Call Rally's". We had a Pre-Call Rally at our church on Saturday night.

They brought in a whole team and did praise and worship and also team leaders came in to talk about The CAll.

Our friend Tomas is now living in Kansas City and works with The Call.
He travels all over helping to spread the word.
Another friend of ours Fernando Alvarez came in with a team from Texas to lead us in praise and worship.
To check out his CD King of Heaven go to his website.
He also has a myspace with his music listed too. Fernando Alvarez
I loved the music they did. He is going to send me the music (chords and lyrics) when he gets back home! Yea!
For more information about The Call click here.
Towards the end of the evening we all gathered in groups to pray for The Call.
Help us spread the word of the upcoming Call DC by sharing it on your myspaces, facebooks, blogs etc . .

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