Saturday, July 05, 2008


Everyone decided that bowling sounded like fun so we all met up at the bowling alley. It was a little rainy out side so bowling was a perfect activity!Taylor and Kaley
Landon ready to knock them all down!
Sam and Lauren
Abigail and Jaime

I love my brother in laws!
Awesome Andrew!
It was freezing in the bowling alley. The adults were trying to stay warm.
I moved down by the scoreboard because it was a little warmer down there.

Mom had fun watching all the kids bowl.

You go girl!
These two definitly spell trouble! Sierra loves her cousins!
My Shelby girl!
Abigail is a brilliant gymnant. She is a perfectionist and always wants to do her best. She was bowling great but she wasn't happy with her score. Abigail you did GREAT!
Ansley had so much fun!
For Emily and Ansley they had these cool things that helped the girls get the balls down the lane. Emily Grace getting a ride from Kaley!
My brother is a pastor but he loves competition . . look at that face!
Emily Grace's turn.

In between turns the girls did each others hair.
Shelby had a leg injury . . .Uncle Andrew to the rescue!
There she goes . . .. .
She was all smiles!
Aunt Steph giving some love to Taylor. Taylor is actually going home with them on Sunday back to Indiana and spending the month of July with them.
After bowling we all got something to eat and then headed back to the hotel to get ready for the Independence Day Parade.

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