Monday, May 19, 2008

Hanging Out At The Pasture

I have been so busy the last few days I haven't been able to spend anytime with the horses. so, after breakfast I walked back there. On my way I noticed Jeter by a big Oak tree. He was after something.

I couldn't tell if it was a squirrel or a rabbit.

I left him on his hunt.

I fed breakfast to the gang. .. including a new horse that joined us . . . . Summer.

My friend Angela was surprised by her husband with this brand new horse trailer. She ended up going out of town to visit her mom and when she came back . . .he had it sitting here for her. Now that's a great present! Good job Brian!
I can't show you what I found Jeter with . . .but he had a successful hunt . . .the poor baby rabbit wasn't to lucky.
Another habit this amazing cat has is he loves to walk right in front of. I mean it is almost a pain. He just keeps walking through my legs and on top of my feet.
We love you Jeter!

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