Saturday, May 24, 2008

Friday Night At The Beach

Usually when we are that beach we eat breakfast and lunch in and dinner out but this year we are going to try to eat in more. Last night though we did head a favorite Mexican restaurant that we love here at the beach. We can't help it we LOVE chips, salsa and Diet Coke!
When we got back to the condo Jordan, Alexia, Taylor, Landon, Steven and Austin had arrived. They all had got settled and were just hanging out. Jordan decided to love on Christian for a little bit . . .:-)
Austin and Steven checking out the live webstream from the IHOP prayer room on the internet.

Christian sharing some chips with Austin!Our friends Lisa and Kevin made their late arrival to the beach. Christian just adores Kevin!
Lovin Lisa's "pink" streaks!
Well, all 80 or 90 of us made it to the beach safely. We are looking forward to an awesome time!

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