Saturday, May 17, 2008

Awaken The Bride Day 2 - Part 1

This morning Eddie James and his team lead worship for the morning session. The IHOP groupie that I am had to get a picture with Eddie. The guys on his team are incredible dancers. The cool thing is their dance is their worship unto the Lord.
You can see some of his stuff live on YOU TUBE. Just do a search of Eddie James and it will bring up many of his videos. Also, if you are on my myspace I have one of his video's on my profile.I am not sure who took this picture of me but worship was so sweet this morning. There was an awesome presence that filled the whole building.
Some of the IHOP music academy students did a beautiful worship song . The strings sounded so beautiful . . you almost could imagine you were in heaven before the throne.
I can't for the life of me remember these two girls names but they had voices like angels. . .just beautiful!

The speaker today was Terri Terry . . .yes that is not a typo . . .:-) The word she brought forth was AMAZING. I couldn't stop crying . .. she taught on Agape love vs Eros love. Terri is on staff at IHOP in the music academy. She is a brilliant pianist and vocalist. We asked her to come back to Florida this summer to do a weekend workshop. I am so excited because I need all the help I can get with my voice! :-)
Jordan, me, Amadeus (my newly adopted son :-) and Taylor. Amadeus is one of Eddie James dancers and also personal assistant to Misty Edwards.After the service we headed over to building three to serve them lunch. What an amazing group of students they are.
The love of Jesus just shines right through them. What an amazing weekend this has been so far.
A big thanks to Elaine and Millie for organizing all the food and to all the volunteers who served the students and the IHOP staff. We couldn't of done it without you all.

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