Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Mercy Seat 4/26

Friday night Alexia and car loads of others headed to Tallahassee so they could be part of the Mercy Seat Silent Seige that was going to be taking place on Saturday. They arrived safely and wokeup on Saturday and headed to The Capitol.Many from all over Florida Bound 4 Life Chapters showed up throughout the day to pray a silent seige for the unborn. This samething was happening all over the United States.I love this picture of Jasmine . . God bless the children!
This picture came out fuzzy but it's theo nly one I have Alexia right now.Another great picture of Jasmine praying!

I hope to get more pictures tomorrow from others who were there.


I plead the blood over our sins and the sins of our nation God end abortion send revival to America. AMEN

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