This morning we had the luxury of sleeping in late and that is just what we did. I think I finally got out of bed at 10:30. Lisa called and asked if I wanted to come over for coffee plus I had a couple of CD's by Kim Walter that she needed back. I hungout over there for a little while and then brought back home with me Christian and Kaitlyn so they could play with Sierra.
About 30 minutes later Lisa and Ava came over. When Ava saw "Papa" (Carlos) she ran right to him.

Getting an airplane ride on Ebby's (me) knees.

Nothing like just hanging out on a Saturday. We don't have too many weekends like that so it was nice to have a stay home day today.

Ava was so sweet. I would tell her to come over and give Ebby love . . she then walks over and takes her hands and rubs my face . . she is just too cute.

Where's Ava . .. . . Peak a Boo . . where are you?

There she is :-)

We love you Ava Young!

After Lisa and the kids left Carlos started mowing the lawn.

The grass is so dry .. .we really need rain!

I spent the rest of the day cleaning and doing laundry . . .we are suppose to have 2 out of town guests arriving tomorrow so I wanted thanks picked up and ready for them. Taylor is at a friends house for the weekend. Alexia went with a ton of people with Bound 4 Life to the Mercy Seat at Tallahassee. Landon had his friend Garrett over and Sierra hungout and played with the horses today . . :-)
1 comment:
Sounds like a nice Saturday to just "be"!
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