Thursday, November 01, 2007

Harvest/Fall Festival

Since we first had children over 19 years ago we made the decision as a family not to participate in Halloween. That being said, we still wanted the kids to have the "fun" of dressing up so we always searched out churches that had Harvest/Fall festivals. This gave the kids the opportunity to dress up in something fun. It also has always been a night filled with fun games, food and of course candy.

Well, this year Sierra was the only one who wanted to dress up. She dressed up as a Tampa Bay Buccaneer Cheerleader.

Earlier today at Kaitlyn's preschool she dressed up as a Flapper Girl .
For many years we have attended this one large churches festival. It is HUGE and the kids have a blast. We met Carlos and Ken, Lisa and kids there around 6:00 pm.All ready to have fun!
What an adorable Hello Kitty!
This is the first year Landon didn't dress up. I guess that's what happens when you are in Middle School :-)
This was Ava's first Fall Festival! Looks like she is enjoying it!
The church has lots of great food and snacks. Free hotdogs, apples and caramel, nacho's, cotten candy and much more. The guys . . .well . . .they enjoyed the food but you can tell by their faces . .. no more pictures they wanted to eat! LOL

They had many of these jumping things plus a cake walk and lots of games inside that I didn't get pictures of.
Alexia and Lisa . . . who knows??!!!!! LOL
Well, that's a little bit better.

Carlos and his G0d-daughter Ava

Ava is my special girl!
Our precious girls!
Hmmmmmmm . .. this feels weird Ebby!
Gotta love this guy!

Of course, I love this girly girl too!
Are we having fun yet??I am not sure Ava is :-) She is like enough already this grass is itchy! We also met some more friends there. Here is JT with Christian and Kaitlyn
This is JT's brother Taye aka as SUPER MAN Hey, my hair feels like plastic.
Rodney and Cindy
Jolynn and David's boy Sam and Ethan
It was great catching up with friends who we don't get to see as often as we like.
When we got home we found Jeter on the front walk. He looked unsure about this whole night!
It was a great night. Until next year . . . . . .


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Looks like a fun night.

Kathy in WA said...

What a great night! Love all the pictures. :)

Cynthia said...

Normally we don't go out trick or treating, but Amanda wanted to see the kids and so we went to town to go to a few houses on a block near her house.