Thursday, September 20, 2007

Italy Day 3 - Part 4

We then headed to the gorgeous reception hall.

Then the lavish party began!

We started out with Artichoke Souffle

While Brenda and John got some smooching in!

Then we had Pumpkin Tortellini

While John and Brenda got in some more smooching!They then brought our entree which was a heavenly Sea Bass While a lovely pianist played beautiful Italian love songs in the background.

They then brought us a pallette cleanser :-)

And they kissed some more

They brought in the cake

While the dancing got started.

Then it was time to cut the cake.

The cake was the best cake I have ever tasted in my life!
The food kept coming and coming.
Wonderful Italian chocolates.

Brenda, as I look back over this entire day my heart is filled with joy and happiness. I know the months and long hours you put into planning your wedding. I have to say that all your hard work paid off. Not only did everything turn out PERFECT but it was so beautiful. You could feel the love from all your family and friends as we gathered together to help you celebrate your new adventure with John. You were absolutely gorgeous today. You looked like a radiant angel. My prayer for you is that you and John will have the most incredible marriage. That the people in your "business" will see the precious love that you have for each other and will look at your marriage as an example to others. I know you both love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind. I know he will bless you continually! May you have a fun and exciting but restful honeymoon. Thanks for everything you did for us all. You both made the wedding a fun exciting times for everyone! It will be a day that will be etched in our memories forever! I love you! Congratuations! After the reception Scott and Tammi headed back up to our room to hangout for awhile. We got a little picture crazy with our masks :-)

Thanks Brenda and John for this incredible day!


fixedonHIM said...

fixedonHIM said...

Wow, is so beautiful there! Your camera may not be capturing it quite right but your faces sure are...everyone has "the Joy of the Lord" all over them!!! What a perfect day for the wedding couple...everyone looked amazing:)So happy for you & PC to have such a special getaway look like you are on your second honeymoon...the pics are so sweet, you look like two kids!!

Italy is definately a place we would like to see now. It is weird to look at all these pics and think there are no cars/roads and instead water/boats as far as you can see...what an experience!!

Are the masques a tradition over there after a wedding?

Thanks for sharing this trip with us:)

Emily said...

Denise, they have made this whole experience a blast. I am not sure about the whole mask thing but all I know is that they are sold all over Venice. It might have something to do with the Opera which is so popular here.

Cynthia said...

I can't even imagine how much time went into planning a wedding overseas! Was her wedding coordinator from there? That would help!

Cynthia said...

The food all looks DELICIOUS! The pumpkin tortellini sounds interesting! YUMMMY!

Emily said...

Cindy - came to Italy a few months ago and met her here. She was a gem and really helped Brenda a lot.
Also, the pumpkin tortellini was fantastic!

all in the family said...

Hey Emily,
I can't say that I can't look at these pictures and be a little green. Our family has ALWAYS wanted to go to Italy. WOWZERS! I can see her ring. That is beautiful and so is she. How did everyone "know her from TV" over there? I am confused? Is she a TV personality?

Have a safe trip back.......

Beth in GA (SHS)

Kathy in WA said...

Emily - beautiful pictures, gorgeous bride, wonderful city in Italy. I loved experiencing it through your eyes. What a fantastic experience!

Emily said...

Beth - Brenda creates, produces and sells exercise equipment and products on TV. She has been on HSN for years and QVC in the US and England. She also has done many many infomerrcials for the products. You can also find the products in Target, Wal-Mart and K-Mart with her picture on them :-)

Thanks Kathy - it was truly a dream vacation!