Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Italy Day 2 - Part 2

We all piled into two water taxi's and headed toward the chapel where they are going to be married tomorrow. We couldn't of asked for a more perfect day. There was not a cloud in the sky and the temps were in the mid 70's. Here is Carlos, Brenda and John in the water taxi with the Renalto Bridge behind them.
The water taxi ride took about 20 minutes. We walked into the chapel and it was breathtaking. The chapel was built in the 1400's. There was so much to look at and these pictures do not do it any justice.

Here is a picture of the ceiling in one room.

The artwork on the walls were incredible!

And also on the ceiling!We then entered the chapel where the wedding will be held.
Carlos started the wedding rehearsal.

Everyone was happy and relieved to have the rehearsal finished.
We all are looking forward to the big day tomorrow!
After we finished Carlos, I, Nathan, Kathleen and John's sister and brother in law and their kids decided to take a walk through Venice to St Marco's Square. It was a beautiful walk and we really enjoyed taking our time and looking at all the beautiful shops and sites.

Then we just couldn't help ourselves. LOL We are in the City of Love!
Nathan and Kathleen couldn't resist either!

We finally made it to St Marco's Square after a 45 minute walk through the city.
There were pigeons everywhere and they seemed very tame!
Kath and I let the guys hang with the birds. We didn't want to get pooped on :-)

We then headed back to our hotel. We ended up resting for a while then we got ready to out to eat with Nathan (Brenda's brother) and his wife Kathleen. On our way out the door we ran in to Brenda and John and their makeup artist Marinella. They had just come back from a photo shoot with Italian photographer Carlo Gigli. He took gorgeous pictures of them all over Venice.Brenda, as your special day approaches tomorrow I just wanted to let you know how excited I am for you and John. You both make a lovely couple and you can see the love you have for each other in your eyes. I pray that tomorrow is the most fantasic memorable day of your life. The day that you begin you lives together as husband and wife. I love you very much and I am so thankful to have you in my life. I will cherish your friendship forever! After we said goodnight to Brenda and John we headed on to the restaurant with Nathan and Kathleen. We had a great dinner with them and I am so bummed I forgot to take a picture of the four of us at the restaurant. I did however take a picture of the Diet Coke cans they have here in Italy. They actually call Diet Coke - Light Coke and the cans look much smaller but they are the same size.

Another wonderful day in Venice comes to an end! Good night!


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Amazingly beautiful art work...and scnery....gorgeous!

Lizaveta said...

wow italy it is very beautiful...have fun...

Emily said...

De'Etta and Liza, my camera just isn't doing this place justice :-) It is incredibly beautiful!

Cynthia said...

WOW... love the photos... it looks like an AMAZING place to visit!

Amico Dio said...

Wow! Emily...

I have loved looking through these pictures. They are amazing. I have always wanted to go to Italy. Everything about it fascinates me. Thanks for posting the pictures.

It is funny that you say that about the coke light too... that is what they call it in Mexico as well!

Emily said...

Thanks Cindy!

Amy - everything is so spectacular here. The history, art and food are incredible!