Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Italy Day 2 - Part 1

The night before Carlos had made plans to have breakfast with Nathan (Brenda's brother). Kathleen (Nathan's wife) and I had made plans too to meet around 10 am for breakfast. By the time we made it upstairs to the restaurant we ran into our hubbies and their 3 kids, Brenda's dad Nathan and John's niece.

Kathleen and I had a great breakfast and enjoyed catching up with each other! We live about 40 minutes from each other but we all do not get to see each other very often.
After breakfast the four of us decided to go out and do some shopping but before we left we checked out more of the hotel. This is the staircase in the hotel. And here is the ceiling above the stairs.
Nathan took this picture of us. We are on the balcony of our hotel. We ended up running into Martha and Nathan Sr. with Nathan and Kathleen's kids.

We then all headed back to our room to rest before it was time for the "Rehearsal Dinner" lunch. Here are a few pictures of our room!John and Brenda had a rehearsal lunch instead of a dinner because tonight their photographer is going to take some great pictures of them all over Venice. We all headed to the restaurant around 12:30 and had a scrumptious lunch! At this table was Carlos and I, Brenda and John, Brenda's makeup artist Marinella, and John's two friends Rob and Tom (Tom's girlfriend Astrid took the picture - she is in the next one)Here we have Nathan and Kathleen and their 3 kids and John's sister Cindy and her husband Tom and their two girls.
And lastly we have Martha and Nathan Sr. and John's parents Mr and Mrs Thomas. Also, seated here is Marinella's mom Maria.
After lunch it was time to head to the chapel for the rehearsal. More pictures follow this post.


Cynthia said...

Love the photos of the motel. What a FUN place to have a rehersal "dinner" lunch. I bet the pictures taken all around Venice will be beautiful.

Emily said...

I can't wait to see them someday. I am not sure how that will work if maybe they will give her a CD or if it will all be by the computer until she orders them. They already left today for a MEditerrean Cruise so I will have to ask her parents who are still here in Venice with us until Saturday.