Thursday, June 07, 2007

Swim lessons and Hair cuts!

Today Taylor, Landon Sierra and I went to watch Kaitlyn's swimming lesson. Here we are before she started.It was now time to start and she wasn't too sure she wanted too.She got in and started kicking with the kickboard.She did great kicking today! Then she shocked us all and swam about 4 to 5 feet to the wall all by herself!!! Hooray for Kaitlyn! You did awesome little BabyCake!!!!

Congratulations for a job well done!!! You did awesome!
After the swim lessons I went to take Taylor to get his haircut. Anthony cut his hair . . .the one in the blue shirt. He goes to our church and is an awesome Barber. The other guy is Manny and he owns the shop. He is so cool! He holds a weekly Bible study in the shop every Tuesday and witnesses and share his testimony all day at the shop!
We are all now headed back to my house to swim with Lisa and the kids!


Cynthia said...

I used to LOVE teaching swim lessons. I haven't taught for years though... we have one more who needs to learn and I should probably find a place to teach him this summer... he is FOUR afterall and all of the other kids took lessons starting when they were TWO!

Emily said...

All five of our kids learned between 2 and and 2 1/2 years old. Living here in Florida most kids are started pretty early!