Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Quiet House

Wow! It is so quiet here with Taylor and Landon both at camp. Today Alexia stayed home with Sierra so I could run up to the church to work. After I finished I headed right to the gym and had a great hour workout. I really pushed myself today and I feel great!

I am now home and Alexia went to spend the night at her cousin's house which leave me and Sierra home for the evening. Carlos and Ken have a board meeting tonight so that means a late night for them. Jordan went to a friends house and I am not sure when he is coming home.

I need to do some work on the computer and then start getting things ready for our big beach trip that we are going to next week. I talked to both my sisters today and they are already packing. My parents went to Sanibel last weekend to check out the resort we are all staying at and they said it is amazing. We are going to have so much fun! I can't wait to see my sisters, brother and the whole rest of the family! I miss you all! Also, my brother's wife Heidi is a Bare Escentual Addict like me so I can't wait to see what colors she is going to bring!

Well, I better get busy!


Cynthia said...

I wouldn't know what to do with such a quiet house (LOL)!

I just noticed all of your vacation tickers. FUN FUN! I LOVE to travel. Are just the two of you going to Italy or is that a family vacation?

And what are you doing in the Big Apple? A Broadway play?

Emily said...

My friend Brenda who designs and sells exercise equipment on HSN, QVC and infomerrcials is getting married in Cataina, Italy. It is a little island right off the boot of Italy. She and her fiance John asked Carlos to marry them so they are treating both of us to the trip. We decided that since we were over there we might as well stay over another week! We will be with Brenda, John and their family the 17th - 21st and then on our own through the 27th.

We are also going to NYC with John and Brenda. The guys are going to two NY Yankee games and Brenda and I are going to shop. Then in the evenings we will go see a couple Broadway plays.

It seems like our traveling goes in spurts. We will go no where and then all of sudden we are going everywhere! :-)

Diann said...

Okay, I am totally jealous of your vacation tickers. We are trying to plan a trip to Italy (we have friends who live over there), but they are coming back to the states to live in September so unless we can plan it by August it might be a while.

Emily said...

Diann - where do your friends live in Italy?

Cynthia said...

How exciting! Maybe you can pack me in your bag? I'm a GREAT party planner/organizer you know.... well... maybe I'm not "great", but I do LOVE to plan such things.

Emily said...

Well, if you have any tips for traveling in Italy let me know and I think I can squeeze you in if you want to come along :-) How about an SHS trip to Europe . . now that would be fun too!