Thursday, June 14, 2007

My First Baby Is Moving To Kansas City

Well, it is now official. Jordan got accepted to a Music Academy in Mid-west. He is headed there in August for the next four years. I had lunch today with Jordan. We talked about his big move and how he was feeling. He said he is very excited and he can't wait to begin this next chapter of his life. We ended up buying a house that he can stay in along with 3 or 4 other people that are going to be renting out rooms. It will feel so strange to have him gone . . .but I know this is what he is has been waiting for.

It feels like yesterday that I just had Jordan. I will never forget that day on June 4, 1988. It was around 7 am and all of a sudden the contractions kicked in. Jordan, we have taken care of you for 19 years. We have raised you in the ways of the Lord and we are so proud of you. We are excited for your new adventure. We know music, praise and worship and preaching are your passons. This academy will help you bring to pass all your desires and dreams you have for the future! We will miss you but we know this is the correct path for your future!

We love you so much!


Kristine said...

Emily, how exciting for Jordan! And, hey, it will be another place to visit! (You probably don't vacation much in Kansas City, lol!)

Anonymous said...

Wow!! That is awesome!!

Cynthia said...


Diann said...

That is so cool! I know that he will have a great time and learn a lot.

Anonymous said...

I really like your blog site this is really cool! wow I cant believe he is actually leaving! thats crazy..wish him the best though.. i know your probably going to really miss him =[


Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh, he's moving away. How exciting! A wonderful new beginning for him, but I know you will miss him so much. I'll be praying for the transition for both of you.

Emily said...

Kristine, Kansas City is one place I have not visited yet. Everyone in my family except for me and Sierra have been there. I guess I will be going there some time this summer to help get him settled in.

Thanks everyone for your well wishes . . please keep Jordan and me too in your prayers! I guess these are the feelings I was suppose to have last year when he was suppose to leave for LA for school but it didn' happen.

Romany said...

Ah {{{{{Emily}}}}}} That must be hard. But think of it this way. You have done a GREAT job as a mother. Your job of raising him is over and now you just get to enjoy his friendship from now on.


Emily said...

Ahhhh - thank Dorothy! I guess it's one down and four more to go :-) Each passing phase of raising our kids bring such different emotions and feelings. Isn't parenting fun??!! :-)

Jodi said...

Congratulations Jordan! A very mixed time for you I'm sure, they grow up so fast!