Friday, June 15, 2007

A Full House Tonight!

Today was my last quiet day before all my kids are once again under our roof. I decided to head out once more to the stores to look for Father's Day gifts. Today I did get more accomplished than I did yesterday. While I was at the store the Children's Director of our church called from Kansas City saying that Landon's allergies were acting up and he was wheezing. I didn't send any of his meds because he was so clear when he left. He only usually has symtoms in the spring and the fall when the pollenh count is high. She told me the pollen was very high there in Kansas City. I told her to give her some allergy pills that she had and that should hold him over until they flew in tonight.

I then headed home and Lisa called and told me that Christian had been sick the night before and today. Please pray for him . . .he had a fever and the shakes last night and today he has been throwing up. She wanted to go to a movie tonight so when Ken got home I headed over to their house. My house was empty . . .Jordan and Alexia at youth . . .Carlos teaching a class at the Bible School and Sierra was being dropped off at the church. Carlos was going to stay at the office until the boys got there. When I got to Lisa's I went to see how Christian was doing. He is a little better . . he stopped throwing up but he still looks like he doesn't feel good. Poor little guy!
Then there was Ava who was just all smiles. If this little girl gets any cuter . . . .I don't know what I am going to do . . . .love her!
Kaitlyn was on the computer. She maneuvers that computer so good for a four year old. Ken's mom and dad just got back from Greece and they brought Kaitlyn back this sweet little dress. I tried to get a picture of it but she had her eyes closed in every straight on picture.

We then headed to the movies to go see Spiderman 3. After the movies we went to the coffee place to get hot chocolate. The one theater we go to is always freezing so the hot chocolate hit the spot. I am now home and waiting for my family to come home. I miss the kids and I will be so happy to have all 7 of us at home tonight.

Tomorrow I will be busy packing for our beach trip. Lisa and I are going to try to squeeze in pedicures if we can. I did talk to my two sisters. They and their crews arrived in Florida today. They are already on the west coast and heading to Sanibel Island tomorrow. I can't wait to spend the week with the whole family!
PS Don't forget tonight at midnight EST on QVC . they will be presenting the new Bare Escentuals Kit for $49.98 . . . it's a 9 piece set and a wonderful deal! It is a special price just for all day Saturday unless it sells out first.


Cynthia said...

I bet you're SO excited to have everyone home again! Have fun packing. I'm looking forward to seeing the pics from your trip to Sanibel Island... is that one we should check out for our trip in January? I guess I should google it and see what I find. We want to try surfboarding and we want to do some more scuba diving. So, I'm trying to find a place that will hopefully offer both of these activities. Do you know of such a place that is in your neck of the woods and good to visit the end of January?

Emily said...

Cindy - it's now 1:20 am and they are still ALL GONE . . .I hope their plane isn't delayed again! Anyways, hopefully soon they will all be here.

If you want surfing . . you really need to stay on the east coast. The west coast is normally very very calm unless a hurricane or tropical storm is coming :-) Last year my dad took us all to Madeira Beach which is on the west coast south of Tampa. A level one hurricane was headed our way and the waves were crazy . . .I had never seen the west coast with anything like it. So, all that to say . . .you really need to stay on the east coast for any kind of surfing. Also, I would stay down toward south Florida because the temps should be much warmer than north or central Florida during that time of year.

Sanibel Island is beautiful. The shelling is awesome there. It normally has very quiet water and it is soooo beautiful! I post pictures of where we are staying as soon we we get there!