Heading Back to Vancouver, Washington
On the way home from the mountains Pastor Vasily and Elana took us to a Russian Market. They picked up so much Russian food for our dinner that evening. We all couldn't wait to get back to their house so we could shower and eat! Pastor Vasily is also a home builder. He just built this house for he and his family. They moved in last Tuesday . . . I couldn't believe they had almost everything unpacked and ready for company 2 days later. He was telling us that many Russian men are great home builders. Here are a few pictures of their house . . . it was absolutely gorgeous. Carlos, Lisa and I ended up staying there for all nights except for Friday night at the Encounter.
When we pulled up to their house Saturday night there was a deer in their yard. We jumped out of the car and started running up toward it so I could get a picture. Poor little thing was scared to death!
What a LOVELY spacious home!
Interesting combination - house builder and pastor. How does he manage both positions? What a gorgeous house. Truly remarkable. How nice to spend some time with friends.
Kathy - you probably won't believe this but he also has a car business where he refurbishes Honda's. He is extremely busy! They have two biological daughter's and then currently they have 2 other girls and 1 boy that they have taken in. They also are getting ready to adopt two small children from Russia sometime this year. They are an amazing couple!
Wow, we have been in our house for three months now (is it really that long?) and I am not finished unpacking the basement. Of course, my house isn't completely finished yet either, so I will use that as my excuse. I am so glad you had such an awesome time!
What a gorgeous house!
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