Thursday Part 2
Sierra went to play with her friend Grace after school. Grace has at her house a "craft room". While Sierra was there they made these "Easter Placemats". It turned out so cute! Good job Sierra!
This afternoon I talked to Lisa and I asked if I could have Ava for the evening. She dropped her off around 6:00 pm. Carlos was working late, Jordan had praise and worship practice, Alexia had dance practice and Taylor was at Universal Studios on a field trip with his school . . they had been gone all day. Taylor called around 6:30 and said they would be back to the school by 6:45. So, Landon, Sierra, Ava and I jumped in the car and headed to the school to pick him up.
After we picked him up I surprised the kids and told them we would go to McDonalds for dinner. Each of the kids made the honor roll and had great report cards. McDonalds will give each child an All-American Meal if you have all A and B's . . . so each child ate for FREE!
Here is Sierra with her report card!
Ava was wide awake when we first sat down . . .
but within minutes she had fallen asleep :-)

When we got home the kids wanted to play with Ava.

Sierra and I ended up taking Ava home around 9:30 tonight. Lisa was gone . . .so I told Ken I would give her a bath and get her in her jammies. I love the way babies smell right after they have a bath. After getting her ready for bed Sierra and I ended up heading home.
After we picked him up I surprised the kids and told them we would go to McDonalds for dinner. Each of the kids made the honor roll and had great report cards. McDonalds will give each child an All-American Meal if you have all A and B's . . . so each child ate for FREE!
Here is Sierra with her report card!

When we got home the kids wanted to play with Ava.

About 15 minutes after I got home Lisa called and said she was almost home and she wanted me to come over for coffee . . . I told her ok . . . but only for 30 minutes . . . well, almost 1 hour later I was still there . . but I told her I had better go . . I was really tired. For some reason I have not slept well the last two nights. It was nice to have some "girlfriend time" tonight . . . also she makes the best coffee so it was a great way to end the evening . .. thanks Lucy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah, a baby fix!! Love pictures of that little sweetie pie. I know your family just eats her up (and with good reason). I love the friendship you and Lisa have. What a blessing! And good coffee too, ah, is there any thing better? :)
Congratulations to your kiddos for doing well in school! How fun to eat at McD's. My kids always think that's a real treat.
What a great card Seirra made!!! Love the photos as always.
Trying to read a bunch of blogs since Stacia woke up....reading time is lower now that I have a dh home who wants to communicate in the evenings. LOL
Could it be the coffee that's keeping you awake? I can't drink any past midday!
Kathy - I am so proud of the kids! They have all adjusted to school so good the last year or two. They have really done awesome!
De'Etta - I was doing so good at checking everyone's blogs almost daily and then more and more us SHS started blogs. Now, I can usually only get through the whole list once a week :-)
Dorothy- I drink decaffinated coffee . . I am prone to breast cysts so I have to stay away from caffeine. :-) I did sleep MUCH BETTER last night!!
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