Monday, April 02, 2007

Quote of the Day - 4/3

When somebody hurts us, somebody does us wrong, instead of letting go and trusting God to make it up to us, we bury it deep down on the inside. We attempt to cram unforgiveness, resentment, anger, and other destructive responses into our "leak-proof" containers. We seal those lids tightly. Then we put them aside and say, "Good. I'm not going to have to deal with that. I'm rid of it once and for all."

But unfortunately, just as toxic waste tends to resurface, one day the things you have tamped into your subconscious or buried deeply in the recesses of your heart will rise to the surface begin to contaminate your life. We can't live with poison inside us and not expect it to eventually do us harm.

Face it. You are not strong enough to contain the toxicity in your life. You need help from someone bigger and stronger than yourself. That's why you need to give that bitterness, resentment and other contaminants to God. Forgiveness is the key to being free from toxic bitterness. Forgive the people who hurt you. Forgive the boss who did you wrong. Forgive the friend who betrayed you. Forgive the parent who mistreated you when you were younger. Get rid of that poison. Don't let the root of bitterness grown deeper and continue to conaminate your life.

Excerpts from Your Best Life Now

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