Terrific Tuesday!
I had a very nice day today. After dropping off the kids at school I took Selena home. I then headed up to the church to meet Lisa to clean the church buildings. We finished one building and then I had to leave to go to Brenda's new house to meet her there. When she cleans her closet out she hands them down to me . . . it's always like Christmas when I get a load of her stuff. She and her fiance John are totally remodeling a house that they bought last year. It use to be owned by Wesley Snipes. Every single room is being redone. I had not seen in for a few months. I was amazed at how much they have done. It looks like a house in Tuscany. The house happens to be right next door to Tiger Wood's house. Every time I go to Brenda's house I always take a peak to see if I can get a peak of Tiger . . . no luck again today. I brought my camera to take pictures of Brenda's house but I totally forgot I had it in my purse. I then headed back to the church to pick up Lisa so we could head to our other building to clean that one. I then went to do my least favorite thing . . grocery shopping. On the way home Lisa needed me to drop off some paperwork at their new house so while I was there I snapped a few pictures of the things that were worked on today. For dinner tonight I made my homemade vegetable soup recipe. It is still chilly here and the soup hit the spot. It was then time for American Idol. Carlos made it home in time to watch it with us. For some reason I am so tired so I am going to try to get to bed by 11:00 tonight! Jordan and Alexia just got home from work so now I am going to bed. Until tomorrow. . . . Kaitlyn and Ava's bathroom light . . .there is suppose to be two of them but the other one has not come in yet.
COOL columns around the tub! Must be a BIG bathroom.
It's HUGE! A lot of credit goes to Lisa. . . she designed the whole thing and has picked everything that is in it.
Love your title for today. We have a dry eraser board set up where everyone can see it throughout the day. Below are the greetings they wake up to...
Marvelous Monday...
Terrific Tuesday...
Wonderful Wednesday...
Thankful Thursday...
Fabulous Friday...
On Saturday's and Sunday's I leave something like...
I Love You... yes, I mean you!
Smile... God loves you!
Sometimes I write quotes. It helps set the mood for the day. I do it right before I go to bed, so even my Babe doesn't know what will be on the board. :o)
How cool Giselle! I have been stuck for titles of my daily posts so I have tried coming up with a few . . .it seems like you and I think alike :-)
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