Not feeling good today!
Today I woke up not feeling very good. I have had a headache all day and I mean all day. I was suppose to go to a recheck mammogram appointment but rescheduled it for April. I really just wanted to stay home most of the day. I ended up cleaning the downstairs. I was able to clean everything except for the Laundry room and Jordan's room. I then went to give Farley his wormer. Every 8 weeks I have to worm him. I use three different brands and rotate them every 8 weeks. I then had to run to the post office to mail a couple necklaces. A nice lady from Oklahoma purchased two of them. On the way home I saw our two neighborhood buddies just kicking back and relaxing in my neighbor's yard.
I went by Ken's parents to say hello to them and then I went with Lisa to look at a couple subdivisions. She has a couple friends who might move out our way. We then stopped at her new house to see what they did today!
When I got home I decided since I still didn't feel good that we would just have left overs. Sierra is now in bed and Landon is headed that way. Ken is over here hanging out with Carlos . . they are talking church stuff and investing. Lisa and the kids are down the street at Ken's parents. I received a phone call from my friend Kelley. I have known Kelley since junior high. She and her family are coming down next week for a nice 2 1/2 week vacation. I look forward to seeing the gang!
I think I am going to go to bed . . .hopefully I will wakeup without this headache.
Pray you're feeling better tomorrow.
Thanks De'Etta! Carlos just told me to go up and go to bed so that is where I am heading! Thanks again for your prayers!
Sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather. Praying you feel better. Headaches are no fun. :o(
Thanks Giselle!
Hope you're feeling beter, Emily!
I woke up this morning headache free today PTL!!!!!!!!!
Love the birds. Hope you're feeling better now.
Thanks Jodi!
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