Lisa called this morning to see if I would run to a couple furniture stores with her so I could take a look at a few items that she picked out. I headed toward the first store around 11:00 am. She had Christian and Ava with her . . . Kaitlyn was at preschool. She needed to nurse Ava before we went in the store so I snapped a picture of Christian while we were waiting.
She picked out a very cool sofa and chair at this one store. We then headed to the other store and she showed me the kitchen table and chairs and the cocktail and sofaback table she picked out. They are sooo nice. I can't wait to see them in their new house. It was then time to pick up Kaitlyn at preschool. By this time we were starving so we headed to Chick Fil A and had a wonderful lunch outside. The weather was GORGEOUS today. Sunny and 72 . .. not a cloud in the sky!

Is that the most cutest face!!!!!!!!!She is angelic!

We then headed to Target. Ken was going to meet us there and take the three kids home. While waiting for Ken, Kaitlyn and I ran into Target to use the restroom. I ended up finishing first so while I was washing my hands I hear Kaitlyn's sweet little voice say from inside her restroom stall, "Ebby, I love you." As she said this a lady was just getting ready to walk out. She turned to me and said, "That was so precious!" I agree. it really touched my heart that she told me for no reason. :-) By the time we got back to the car Ken had arrived. We traded cars and then ran into Target because we both have to attend a bridal shower this Saturday and we needed to get gifts. After Target we stopped at Starbucks to grab some coffee and then headed to Babies R Us because we have a baby shower the next Saturday.

While walking around Babies R Us and drinking our coffee we came upon these incredible cozy rocker chairs. Oh my goodness. . .they were so comfortable. We ended up sitting there for at least 15 or 20 minutes while we finished out coffee. If I ever get pregnant again . . . I am so getting that chair and ottoman.

We then headed to a store where all they sell is kitchen tables and barstools. Lisa needs to purchase 3 barstools for her kitchen bar. There were so many neat designs and fabrics that they offered. Plus, they let you take home a barstool for 24 hours to try it out before you buy it. Lisa then drove me back to my car . . .as we were headed there my friend Brenda called to tell me Anna Nicole Smith had died. I was shocked . . .it's so strange because her son died about 5 months ago and now she collapes and dies . . .so sad.
I had so much fun today looking at all the fun furniture. Once Lisa moves in to her house and the furniture is delivered I will post pictures.
So glad to hear you have nice warm weather. It's a whopping 10 here. We leave for your neck of the woods 2 weeks from today.
Wow! That is FREEZING!!!! It is going to be another beautiful day here today. Sunny - blue skies and high of 76. I am getting ready to head out to go riding . .it should be an awesome day. Praying the weather stays nice for your vacation!
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