Thursday, February 01, 2007

More Family Pictures

Lillian sent me some pictures of Carlos's cousin Maurice and his family. We have not seen them since 1999 and have never had a chance to meet their little girl Cassie. Here they celebrating her 3rd birthday!

They have three boys Michael, Matthew and Stephen
This is Lillian and Sandra's mom Elizabeth with Cassie

The family gathered around the Thanksgiving Dinner Table
Maurice and Cassie
Happy 3rd birthday Cassie
Is she cute or what?!
I see their guys like to play poker like our guys do!

Hopefully we can all see each other someday soon!


Lady G~ said...

Wow Em! I hadn't seen them in a LONG time. Can't believe how big the boys have gotten. They all look great!

I can't believe that they have a little girl now. What an incredible blessing.

Emily said...

I know . . . this is the firs time I have seen pictures of her. She is adorable!! I couldn't believe how big the boys were too! Time flies!