Monday, January 08, 2007

Update on Lisa's house and Molly's new "do"

After finishing up at the church I headed back to the groomers to pickup Molly. On the way home I stopped at Ken and Lisa's new house to check out the tile that they were having put down today. It looks really good!

I have about 200 decorative flags. The flagpole hangs off the front porch. I usually change the flag every other day. Now that all the Christmas decorations are "almost" put away I hung up my first of many snowman flag. Usually I keep my snowmen up for all of January but with this weather it just didn't feel right. I did decide to at least display my snowman flags for the month. I guess it does look funny . . . when the kids are swimming in the pool and I have a snowman flag hanging from the house :-)

As you can see from this picture Molly is quite shy. I wanted to take her picture so you all could see her cute haircut. I sat her on the glider on the front porch and kept calling her name but she just kept looking the other way.

Finally she looked my way . . . but her eyes seem to say . .. please no pictures . . . .!I kindly kept calling her name and finally she turned around and I hurried and took the shot. Cassie who was sleeping on the chair next to the glider was oblivious to it all!


Kristine said...

Seeing Molly reminds me of my dad's old poodle. He would take a shower with my stepmom, get blow dried, and race through the house. They'd dress him in a 49er sweater and you could TELL how proud that dog was. When he came back from the groomer, he also had a big attitude, but was sometimes embarrassed by big floppy ribbons on his ears. I'm only sharing the cute stuff, he really was a nasty, gross little dog!

Emily said...

I grew up with Toy Poodles. Growing up we always had "girls" - Scarlet and Buffy. When we first got married we bought a Yorkshire Terrior but when I got pregnant with Jordan we ended up giving him away. We bought Molly about 5 years ago when she was just a baby. She is tiny barely 4 pounds. The only problem with her is her breath stinks sooooooooo bad. I have tried everything to get rid of it except having her teeth cleaned which is probably the reason why her breath stinks!