Friday, January 26, 2007

Selena Faith

Today I had a great time hanging with Selena Faith. When I picked her up at 9:30 this morning she surprised me with a sweet gift. It's a beautiful candle that has my name on the base of the candle.

We spent the day playing with blocks. We would make towers and then she enjoyed knocking them over. :-)

She found Landon's stuffed toy dog. She kept giving him kisses.
Also, she LOVES Barney. Her grandmother sent with her a few DVD's for her to watch.
She also loves to play my piano. She runs right in the house and says, "Piano! Aunt Emmy Piano!

She then wanted to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star about a billion times. For not even being two yet I couldn't believe that she knew almost all the words to the song. I dropped her back home around 3:00 pm. She was so good today and thanks so much Selena for my candle. Aunt Emmy loves you!


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Ah - so glad you got your Selena fix today. She's a doll.

Emily said...

We had an awesome time! She was just an angel!

Kristine said...

LOL, Holly did the same thing when Robert's parents lived nearby, always running over to the piano or organ. Sweet memories . . .

Emily said...

That piano was the piano I grew up with so it has SO MANY MEMORIES . . almost all good ones except for the memory of not wanting to practice the piano for 30 minutes a day when I was in junior high :-)

Cynthia said...

What a sweetie! Isn't it amazing how much those little ones can retain? Our little one LOVES to sing several songs, too. He likes to play an "air" instrument while he sings as well. It's pretty cute.