Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Our Tuesday!

Yesterday our temps were in the low 80's today we woke up to the low 50's with just a high of 63. We are expecting a huge cold front to come in tonight . . we can't wait! This morning I went to the barn to add some pine shavings to Farley's stall. He is normally out in the pasture 24/7 but if the temps get in the 40's we bring him in so the extra pine shavings will help to keep him warm and give him a soft bed in case he wants to lay down. Before I left I snapped a picture of my "landscape" view. One of our neighbors not only have horses but have goats, cows and these sweet little donkeys. They were right up on the fence this morning so I snapped their picture.
I then got everything ready to head up to the church. I met Lisa up there around 10:30 and we cleaned the two buildings. We then headed to lunch to our new favorite lunch hangout. Today I ordered the curry chicken salad sandwich. It was sooooooooooooo good! I also had a side order of humus and pita bread. Lisa is fasting so she had a great salad with all different kinds of greens, goat cheese, apples and walnuts. After lunch I headed home to catch up on my online friends blogs. I haven't had that much time to do any computer reading the last week or so. It was nice to catch up on what everyone has been doing.

My sister Stephanie called. We usually talk at least once a day sometimes more. I talked to my other sister Michelle yesterday. She is sick and not feeling too good. Praying for you Michelle!

Tonight is American Idol so I will make sure the kids are bathed and fed before 8:00 so we can all watch it together. I have a feeling I will be making a fire in the fireplace tonight . . maybe some hot chocolate and popcorn too!


Jodi said...

80's...hyperventilating with envy here in NH, LOL. Sounds like you're welcoming a cold snap, a fire sounds like a great idea.

Cute donkeys!

Emily said...

We are so excited every time the weather man says "COLD FRONT" :-)
In fact, the cold front has arrived and we are sitting here in front of the fireplace watching American Idol! Low's in the 40's for tonight Brrrrrrrrr!