Sunday, January 21, 2007

Our First Bon Fire with the New Fire Pit

This evening the Scott, Tammi and three of the kids came over for dinner and then for a bon fire. We grilled steaks and chicken. I made hashbrown casserole, salad, fruit and a bunch of snacky foods. After dinner the guys headed down to the firepit to start the bon-fire. Tammi and I cleaned the kitchen and the dishes and then headed down to the fire loaded with marshmellows, graham crackers and Hershey's chocolate bars. Earlier in the day I had taken a table down there and layed out the roasting sticks and the campfire chairs. We ended up staying out there from 7:00 - 10:45 pm. We had such a great time. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the star were shining everywhere . . .it was a beautiful. Me, Scott and Tammi Scott and Carlos

Me and Tammi! The fire felt so good in the chilly weather.
The s'mores hit the spot.

Tammi and Amanda

Allison enjoying her s'more. Taylor and Aaren
Landon, Sierra, Allison and our neighbor Katheryn were having a great time playing flashlight tag most of the night.

Alexia had to work today from 12:00 to 8:00 so she was able to join us for a few hours by the bon fire.

Earlier in the day we had talked about just going to Outback for dinner but thankfully we decided just to grill out and then christen the new fire pit. We had the best time and can't wait to do it again! Thanks for coming over Scott, Tammi and kids . . .thanks for the steak and for bringing the firelogs too!
We also got the BEST news tonight. We have been praying that someday we could purchase the small farm behind our land. The owner, our friend John, saw us at the bonfire and came over to say hello. He also told us the GREAT news that he is ready to sell the land. You don't know how hard I have been praying for this farm. Please pray that the deal goes smoothly and speedily!


Lady G~ said...

LOVE your fire pit. We had one but our Nicodemus would love to lay in it. Being that he's an indoor dog, it would drive me NUTS. I don't take kindly to sandy floors. :o)

My Babe came up with a good solution, we just haven't done it yet. :o)

Glad you all got to enjoy your bonfire.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

What GREAT FUN! Some day...maybe....when Zander is out of the house. LOL

Emily said...

Giselle, what was the idea that George came up with?

De'Etta, we did have one mishap right towards the end of the evening . . we had all come back up to the house to say goodnight to our friends. All of a sudden we heard screaming from the bathroom . . it was Sierra. She had tried to blow out a candle but also was dangling a tissue above the candle . . the tissue caught on fire and she threw it. It landed on the toilet paper roll which then caught on fire . . . which is just about the time that we all ran in. Boy! Was she scared to death and Boy! Were we upset and thankful nothing worse had happened. We then had a LONG talk about never playing with fire.

Kristine said...

Emily, what great news. I know you've been praying about this for quite a long time. :)

Emily said...

Kristine, I am totally excited! I am still praying every day that the whole deal goes through speedily and smoothly!

Cynthia said...

GREAT fire pit!

AWESOME news on the farm! WHOOO HOO!

And, so glad the bathroom mishap wasn't serious.

Emily said...

Thanks Cindy! We have been enjoying the firepit. It is probably as close to camping as we will ever get :-) I love to camp but my husband is not much a camper!